Unmet Needs

How you can use this list for your own healing and introspection? 

Simply note if this need was met or not. Maybe it was met for a period of time, and then something occurred and it was no longer met. Maybe the need was met on an inconsistent basis. Does reviewing this list evoke any emotions or physical body sensations? Do specific memories come up? Again, it may be very beneficial to do this exercise with a friend, partner, or therapist. Journaling is always recommended. 


To feel loved unconditionally by at least a few people. 

To get recognition for accomplishments.

To be touched, patted, and hugged affectionately. 

To be encouraged to do your best. 

To be listened to, understood, and heard. 

To feel supported when feeling hurt, weak, or vulnerable. 

To be praised and rewarded for your effort to do the right thing. 

To be treated with respect even if you disagree with someone. 

To be forgiven when you do something wrong. 

To feel accepted even with your faults or shortcomings. 

To be asked to join others in social gatherings.

To be trusted and believed when telling your side of a story. 

To have friends you can trust. 

To have some talent or ability that gets you recognition and builds self-esteem. 

To feel accepted and loved by your higher power (God, source, creator, nature, etc.)

To be treated fairly, equally, and given an opportunity to succeed.

To feel capable of competing adequately against others.

To feel recognized and loved for who you are outside of your accomplishments, physical appearance, or what you do for others. 

To feel wanted and desired. 

To be nurtured emotionally and physically. 

To believe you have meaning and purpose. 

To be recognized for accomplishments. 

To feel and experience joy, adventure, and happiness. 

To safely feel and process a wide range of emotions without judgement. 

To feel belonging, sense of community. 

To have privacy.


Fresh, nutritional foods. 

Clean water. 

Safe and consistent housing.

Affordable and accessible culture and gender sensitive healthcare, including dental care. 

Affordable Health insurance.

Hygiene (access to showers, baths, soap, razors, lotion, etc.). 

Physical activity, exercise. 

Affordable access to medications. 

Physical intimacy that is consensual and safe. 

Sexual intimacy that is consensual and safe. 

Climate appropriate clothing. 

Safe, reliable transportation. 

Access to quality and affordable education in a safe and supportive environment, including necessary supports for individuals with learning disabilities and unique needs.  

Access to reliable and affordable communication. (Phone, text, email, etc.)